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Technology & Innovation

We provide a technology-rich environment and use national standards to empower students as digital citizens, preparing them for college and career success. Our school is equipped with an Apple ecosystem, including 1:1 iPads for students in kindergarten through 5th grade and our middle school students are 1:1 MacBooks.

Teachers place great emphasis on ensuring technology is used with purpose and integrate technology in innovative ways to develop students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. The use of technology allows students to build essential computer science knowledge, as well as an appreciation of technology as an effective learning tool.

Our goal is to amplify and transform learning through highly engaging and meaningful classroom experiences. Students demonstrate their understanding and showcase their learning in a variety of formats including compelling presentations, music and video production, and digital arts. Our teachers use technology not just as a digital tool, but as an opportunity for students to engage with content in a more meaningful, creative, and collaborative way.

Our teachers participate in a wide range of professional development to ensure they are up-to-date on the latest techniques in the area of technology education. They are equipped with the knowledge necessary to enhance the classroom experience and improve educational outcomes for their students.

When learning begins in wonder, technology is a long standing tradition.

Our technology programs are project based and encourage students to learn to think long-term. The skills that students learn will prepare them to adapt and respond to our rapidly changing world. This foundation allows our students to excel even as the tools, mediums, and technology evolve.

Tinkering Lab (K-2nd)
The Tinkering Lab is the perfect place to participate in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) activities and challenges. Students collaborate with their classmates and teachers while participating in projects. They learn about the Engineering Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve, and Communicate) while repurposing materials, making models, and creating.

While we always strive to celebrate all of our tinkering successes, we also place great value in learning about why things failed. This concept helps children learn that there are many ways to approach a problem, and that some problems may have more than one solution. The problem-solving skills learned in the Tinkering Lab will prove to be an invaluable tool that goes far beyond the classroom as the children grow. Our belief is that their ideas may truly change the world!

Innovation Hub (3rd-6th)
Students in upper elementary grades enjoy ample time in our Innovation Hub building. Affectionately dubbed “iHub” by our students, this space holds our library, science labs and Maker Space. Through innovative and cross-disciplinary projects, science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM) play an important role in student learning. Our students use design thinking to develop creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking in the Maker Space.