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Winter Ball

Our annual Winter Ball gave students an opportunity to showcase their manners and social graces! We pulled out the Arabian carpet (literally) for our 5th and 6th-grade students who entered an Arabian Night themed ballroom, complete with colorful balloons from ceiling to floor, authentically set tables, lanterns, (and much more) transforming the gym into something magical!

Most impressive were the manners, confidence, and kindness demonstrated by each young attendee. With Mrs. Colleen Finwall as our expert manner’s teacher, students dazzled us with their knowledge of table manners, confident social conversations, greetings, kindness, courtesy, and sensitivity to all of their friends! We are grateful to Mrs. Finwall, and all of our Park Maitland teachers and administrators, for imparting such important lifelong skills to our lucky students!

Our school’s founder, Mrs. Nell Cohen, firmly believed that courtesy, manners, and respect were as important as challenging academics, intellect, and curiosity. We are proud to carry on these foundational traits of our program knowing that our graduates will have confidence in a variety of social settings and will later reap the benefits in their personal and professional lives.

It might seem old fashioned, but knowing how to properly address a person, shake hands, or even set a table can give your child a kick start to building self-confidence. Having good manners will help them feel good about themselves because they will know how to treat others with respect and carry themselves in the world. Manners help a child develop the qualities of a leader. Thank you for sending us such kind and mannerly children. “It takes a village!”

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