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The Annual Art Faire and Variety Show!

Second-grade student, Trey S.




Online Art Auction


On behalf of the Art Department, we would like to announce the “kick-off” of our annual ONLINE ART AUCTION! This auction (K4-6th grade) will run from Tuesday, May 17th through Tuesday, May 24th, 2022. It includes the chance to bid on (and win!) one of the collaborative group projects that our talented artists have been working so hard to complete in class!

These items are all handmade, one-of-a-kind works of art. They are very special keepsakes and are sure to be treasured for years to come! You can view these items, place your bids and make donations by clicking on the link below:



One of Park Maitland’s third-grade auction item, bidding is now open.



*BIDDING IS NOW OPEN! The online auction closes ONE WEEK from today, at 8:00pm (sharp!) on Tuesday, May 24th. All winners will be notified by email, soon after the close of the auction. Good luck, and happy bidding!

If you win an auction item, you may make your payment directly online for your masterpiece. All proceeds go to support the arts at Park Maitland School. Your auction item will be sent home during carpool in the last few days of school. *Please feel free to share the link above with friends and family!

ART FAIRE/TALENT SHOW REMINDER: All classes will be visiting the Art Faire this Wednesday, May 18th, during their assigned time throughout the day. The show will be held in the drama, music, and art rooms in the AAC. Parents are welcome to visit the Art Faire during the “Park Maitland’s Got Talent” show, which begins at 4:30 pm in the gym. Individual student artwork will be on display, as well as all of the auction pieces found in the link above. We hope to see you there!

 Thank you for supporting the Arts at PARK MAITLAND SCHOOL!


The Park Maitland School Art Department



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