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School Nurse, Ms. Chouljian BA, RN, NCSN

Important Health Reminders
Dear Parents,

As you know, symptoms of illnesses and allergies can occur throughout the year. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are the same as those of COVID – 19. Although you have been given information in the newsletter specific to COVID-19, I am sending this reminder in an effort to help you with symptoms of regular illnesses / allergies, which unfortunately still includes COVID-19.

In an effort to maintain the safety of our school community, please read the following guidelines for all illnesses. 

  • The student will still need to be fever free without the use of fever reducing medications for 24 hours. 
  • The student can only return to school after 24 hours symptom free.
  • If you have a note from a doctor stating the diagnosis of the student’s illness, please email me these forms.
  • When students return to school after an illness, if symptoms are still present, please have the student wear a mask for the safety of others until symptoms resolve.

In an effort to keep our classrooms as germ free as possible, our cleaning staff will clean and disinfect all common surfaces, areas, and classrooms on a scheduled daily basis, as well as deep cleaning and disinfecting in the evenings.

We will continue to remind students to wash hands often and/or use hand sanitizer that is provided in each classroom and in common areas around campus. We all must work together to be extra vigilant in our efforts to help our students stay as healthy as possible.

Please help us by following our school health protocols as stated in our Parent Handbook, as well as contacting the school nurse to share any medical information/diagnosis. Bringing your child to school with the symptoms listed below puts other children and school staff at risk of becoming ill. If your child stays home due to illnesses or COVID diagnosis/exposure, please be sure to notify the school, and the school nurse for further guidance.

Here are some guidelines from your school nurse to help you decide:

Fever: If your child has a fever, please keep them home. They must stay home until they are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. (Note: Please see update above for returning to school)

Appearance / Behavior: If your child is unusually tired, out of sorts,

pale, or doesn’t want to eat, this may indicate an illness is beginning, and they should be kept at home to be monitored.

Eyes: If your child’s eyes have pink coloring or mucus or pus coming from the eyes, this may be an eye infection that needs treatment. Keep your child at home and take them to your healthcare provider.

Nasal Drainage, Congestion, and/or Constant Cough: If your child

has excessive drainage that is either clear, yellow, or green, please keep your child at home. If other symptoms of illness are also present, they should see a healthcare provider and not be at school. A cough that is constant is very distracting in a classroom. The nurse may be calling you to pick up your child if the cough is loud and ongoing.

Sore Throat: If your child has a sore throat with or without a fever and/or swollen glands, they should stay home and see a healthcare provider. If there is a history of Strep throat, a test may be necessary.

Diarrhea: If your child has watery BMs on/off, looks unwell or has a fever, they should stay home and be seen by a healthcare provider.

Nausea / Vomiting: If your child has vomited, please keep them at home with or without an accompanying fever; advised to see a healthcare provider.

Difficulty breathing / Shortness of breath: Please take your child to see a healthcare provider / ER right away.

Headaches, muscle/body aches: Unless a cause is noted such as migraines or head injuries, and after physical activities (sports or exercise), please see a healthcare provider to determine cause.

Please contact your doctor right away if a student has red eyes, rash, cracked/swollen lips, tongue doesn’t feel normal, stomach pain and swelling noted in hands/feet. 

If a student contracts any of these symptoms while at school, they will need to be picked up within 30 minutes per school protocol. Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep all students and staff as healthy as possible.


Tania Chouljian BA, RN, NCSN

School Nurse

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